Everything You Need to Know About Wasp Pest Control
Introduction Wasps are common wasps that can be found all over the United Kingdom. Wasps build nests in trees and shrubs, which they use to protect their young. The yellow jackets and hornets in your area may look small compared to other kinds of wasp, but they're actually quite dangerous! If you have an infestation of these pests in your home or business, you should contact a professional exterminator as soon as possible. Know the difference between yellow jackets, hornets, and wasps. • Yellow jackets are the most common wasps, but they're not the only type of wasp. • Hornets can be found in both yellow jacket and bald-faced hornet nests. • Bald-faced hornets are larger than both types of wasps (hence their name), but they're still smaller than the largest species of bee in North America: an Africanized honey bee queen. Wasp nests can be very big. Wasp nests can be very big. In fact, wasp nests have been known to be as large as a basketball or ...